Sunday 6.15pm @ Wesley Methodist Church
An important part of our work together is worshipping together. We do it at least 6 times a year ( which is unusual for many Churches Together Groups ) and it allows us to explore our relationship with each other in a different way to when we are working together on social action etc.
This year's Advent worship has been put together by Rev Angela Steele of Frome URC and Rev Jill Warren of Wesley. They have worked out a great piece of liturgy centred around the Advent Wreath with the theme of Expecting the Unexpected. Like last year different church leaders will be leading different reflections and there will be a joint FACT choir. A lot of hard work has gone into this service and it would be a shame if there wasn't a full chapel on Sunday evening. If you haven't experienced joint worship before then this is a perfect one for you to come to.