The Blog of Rev David A Brinn,
Chair of Frome Area Christians Together,
Somerset, UK
FACT Mission Statement
We are : From various churches Assisting and serving our communities Christians working together To make a difference
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
All Saints Anglican Church, Nunney
The church of All Saints Nunney was originally built in the 12th Century although it has undergone changes and renovations across the years, some welcome others not so welcome, including the roof which is now the subject of fundraising to return it to its original state.
Amongst the unusual features that one will find in the church, are fragments of wall paintings, including one of St George. These are a reminder of the way many medieval churches were decorated before they were painted over.
The font is Norman in origin with a square base and a round bowl. This bowl has an unusual scalloped top and has an octagonal. conical cover which is dated 1684.
Another great feature of the church are the tomb effigies which are now rearranged in the St Katherine's chapel. These are of the Lords of the Manor across several centuries and include those of Sir John De La Mare, builder of Nunney Castle and Sir John Paulett and his wife Constance. This later effigy is of note because she wears her hair long as an unmarried woman would.
Being a parish which sets out to preserve the Catholic faith within the Anglican Church, there is a tabernacle on the main altar in the sanctuary surrounded by the "big six" candle sticks.
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