Holy Trinity are holding a Taize evening on 14/2/10 at 6pm
If you don't know what Taize is - one way of finding out of course is to go along !- Taize is an ecumenical community of brothers and lay people, living and praying together, to show the way to an united Church and a united world of peace and reconcilliation ( it was born out of the embers of the Second World War) Their meditative and repatative chants ( like mantras really ) come in lots of different languages and are extremely easy to join in with. Its a form of worship especially popular with Youth, although its appeal crosses generational boundaries.
Do go along and experience this most ecumenical of worship types. It would be good to get something like this regularly going again in Frome and I know that St John's is planning on including some in the FACT Holy Week reflection which is taking shape and which will round off our Lent Course.
Further details from Holy Trinity Office.
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