FACT Mission Statement

We are :
From various churches
Assisting and serving our communities
Christians working together
To make a difference

Saturday, 13 February 2010

5 Year Plan update

Plans are going apace and your prayers are asked for those who are tasked with drawing this up.

One significant change to the timetable. It was decided at the leader's lunch meeting yesterday that the plan should be presented at the May 11th AGM but not come into force until 1st September 2010 when all church committess, councils and decision making groups will have had a chance to discuss it and formally approve it. So the plan will get presented at the AGM with the intention that each church/congregation ratifies it during the following few months.

In the meantime do please consider these two questions 1) What do you see as the priorities for FACT for the next 5 years in each of these key areas a ) Worshipping and Praying Together b ) Mission Together c ) Exporing our beliefs together d) Working for the Common Good Together 5 ) Communicating Together.
These priorities can cross each other and need not change from year to year. If you want your say see your leader and say what you think the priorities should be. This is needed for 23rd March at latest.
2 ) What should FACT do for each of these key areas in terms of activities. Think of the things which we do already and why we do them. Which would you get rid of ? What would you replace them with ? Any ideas for new activities? This needs to be sent to an exec member or myself
by 17th April.

This is your chance to say how you think FACT should work in the next 5 years and continue its journey of exploration, mission and unity.

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