FACT Mission Statement

We are :
From various churches
Assisting and serving our communities
Christians working together
To make a difference

Thursday 7 January 2010

Where Next for FACT ?????

We are all rightly proud of how far down the ecumenical road FACT is. We have come a long way together and while there is still a long way to go, we can take heart that we are a lot further on and a lot closer than many ecumencial groups. However do we really know where we are going? What are our priorities ? How are we going to acheive them ? How are we going to finance them ?

If we are to continue to function in an efficient way we need to take stock and look seriously at our future plans and construct some sort of plan for the next 5 years to guide our work.

This was discussed at the last leaders' meeting and it was decided that we should go ahead and organise two "away days" to thrash out a 5 year plan.

Who knows what it will turn up and where we will end up going ? We need to put our trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be led ( possibly where we don't want to go ! ) by the Lord.

The first meeting will be for the Leaders during Lent and the second in April will be for the whole exec and some invitees. At the end of the process we should God willing have a plan which can be presented to the AGM in May.

Please pray for us all as we start out on this new section of road together.

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